UVC for Mold Prevention and Remediation

Have you been affected by recent weather disasters?

Our thoughts and prayers are with all who have been affected by the recent, devastating storms. In addition to the loss of lives from Hurricane Ian and the recent flooding in Kentucky, the storms have caused catastrophic damage, which will be present for quite some time.

UVC for Mold Prevention and Remediation

Our team is here to help when addressing surface and air disinfection for environmental contaminants such as mold, which is common after hurricanes and other destructive storms that involve water damage. These types of events will continue to produce mold spores in the air, so adding UVC for pathogen protection will help to improve indoor air quality (IAQ) now as well as help prepare for addressing issues with future weather disasters. Please contact us with questions or to learn more about UVC and its applications.

MED Unit Application

Background: Lumalier and FEMA

In 2005, Lumalier responded to a FEMA request for air disinfection equipment to help stop growing health concerns caused by environmental contamination in the aftermath of Katrina cleanup efforts.

A multi-level solution of advanced germicidal fixtures was proposed by the Lumalier team and quickly adopted by New Orleans authorities. The accepted recommendations included:

  • Portable UVC surface-disinfection units were integrated into building recovery efforts to inactivate the overwhelming mold colonies and germ-laden, contaminated surfaces. This allowed relief workers and residents to enter or return to homes and buildings.
  • A new fixture, now known as our MED series, was engineered at the request of FEMA supervisors; using the Lumalier pendant-mounted air disinfection fixture for portability, these normally ceiling-mounted fixtures were mounted onto a portable lamp stand for immediate use in the temporary FEMA headquarters, refugee quarters, and the many large tents used by FEMA around the city. This fixture created a zone of cleansing germicidal energy throughout the space to constantly cleanse breathable indoor air.

Please contact us for more information (901) 800-1709.

MED Series

Portable Upper-Air UVC System

This unit is ideal for temporary medical structures, emergency shelters, traveling events, first aid tents, and disaster relief temporary structures. Learn more >

MED Series Unit Lumalier