
Residential Benefits

  • Inactivate environmental pathogens to reduce your family’s infection rates and illnesses
  • Reduce odors and poor air quality within your home
  • Reduce energy consumption by AHUs and eliminating Chemical Coil Cleaning

Challenges to your Home:

Poor air quality due to:

  • Airborne particulates (mostly dust)
  • Airborne biological microbes (germs, virus, bacteria, fungus)
  • Airborne chemicals and gasses (volatile organic compounds or VOCs)

What are the 4 causes of poor indoor air in your home?

1) Old and New construction methods

  • Modern, energy efficient buildings are designed and built to be airtight, creating an ideal indoor incubator for the growth of germs and mold colonies. Older, ‘drafty’ homes have unfiltered air that leaks in from dusty attics, sooty fireplaces, bathroom fans vents, stove fan vents, dryer vents, and poorly insulated or ill-fitting doors and windows.

2) Increased use of synthetic materials

  • The ever-increasing use of synthetic materials in buildings, furniture, carpets and cleaning supplies provides an ongoing source of airborne volatile organic chemicals (VOC’s).

3) Poor design of our homes and HVAC

  • Poor design and/or construction of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems prevents proper air exchanges and poor circulation of conditioned air.

4) Personal activities and habits

  • Occupant activity like cooking, cleaning and laundry; poor maintenance habits (i.e. forgetting to replace filters or procrastination in repairs of a dripping faucet); and contributing factors such as smoking, burning candles and use of air ‘fresheners’.

UVC Disinfection Products for your Residential Facility

UVC for IAQ and Energy Efficiency

In AHU & In Duct UV Fixtures

In AHU & In Duct UV fixtures, such as the Lumalier ADPL Series UVC Fixtures, are installed inside ventilation systems to provide high-level, disinfection of the airborne infectious pathogens throughout your home that can cause respiratory sickness, disease, and infection. In AHU & In Duct fixtures are scalable to fit any size air handler unit (AHU).

  • Achieves the greatest square foot coverage at the lowest cost.
  • Uses the existing ventilation system to disinfect and distribute air.
  • Eliminates biological growth on coils and in the drain pan that can cause coil fouling, odors, and premature failure of air conditioning equipment.
  • Provides your home with an ROI benefit with reduced energy consumption and maintenance.


Upper-Air UV Fixtures

Upper-air UV fixtures are engineered to provide very targeted airborne pathogen reduction into high-risk areas within your group residential buildings.

  • Installation applications include lobbies in administrative buildings, hallways, common and gathering areas, gyms, cafeterias, libraries, etc.
  • Units are available for high or low ceilings and for any square footage.
  • Units can be permanently or temporarily installed for flexible space uses.
  • Natural convection-currents create repeated air disinfection within defined spaces. Fan assisted models are available.

UVC for Risk Management

Surface Disinfection

Surface disinfection UV fixtures are engineered for high-level disinfection of contaminated surfaces that can spread infection.

  • Appropriate for temporary disinfection of floors, desks, and table surfaces that have been contaminated.
  • Ideal for treatment of difficult-to-disinfect surfaces, such as keyboards, monitors, lab and cafeteria equipment.
  • Surface disinfection units are available in both fixed and portable options.

Upper Air Disinfection